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Ali high mountain oolong tea 150g, Ruili tea garden

Ali high mountain (Alishan) oolong tea, Ruili tea garden

It is an excellent daily tea with a smooth sweet taste and pleasing color. This tea has the traditional hallmarks of a great quality, mid-elevation. 

A unique fusion of terroir and craftsmanship, this tea combines the traditional crafting style of Wenshan Baozhong with the high-elevation growing environment of Alishan. 

Altitude of the 1300 meters

Medium roasting

fragrance of ripening rice

flowery flavour

Semi-ball type Oolong tea

partially fermented tea


  • 150g
NT$ 500
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Ali high mountain ( Alishan) oolong tea,

Ruili tea garden, Altitude of the 1300 meters.

The leaves of these tea plantations are awoken each morning by the slight breeze which accompanies every morning mist.

With the rising of the sun from the east, the smell of the top of the mountain.

medium roasting.

fragrance of ripening rice, flowery flavour.

International testing Test Report