普洱茶生茶與熟茶分別Pu'er Tea RIPE and RAW

發佈於 2020-10-27


普洱茶具有獨特的風味和香氣,隨著儲存的時間長久,味道就越有變化,普洱茶除了具有獨特的風味外,還含有一些健康益處 ; 如抗氧化和抗炎特性,有助於提高身體的免疫系統。(閱讀另一篇文章 陳年普洱浸潤著歲月的秘香與功效)


生茶(青餅) - 是一種由非發酵的茶葉製成,經過挑選,快速烘焙,曬乾,然後蒸壓成圓形的茶餅。再將茶餅儲存並陳化(存放),直到茶的味道有適當的變化。

由於生茶沒有經過人工發酵的過程,它保留了清新的香味以及一點點甜美的餘味。隨著存藏的年份及環境它的味道會變得更複雜豐富,更光滑醇厚。生茶釀造的顏色是金黃色到橙紅色至深琥珀色,茶湯色深也應該是清透無混濁可看見杯底的。 生茶可即時飲用,以享受其新鮮的花香味,或可以像紅/白酒一樣儲存和陳化。

熟茶(熟餅) - 是由發酵茶葉製成。它的生產過程與生茶一樣。我們這裡所敘述的是傳統工序的熟茶做法,而非後期加速發酵,霉味與雜味產生的熟普。

在生產茶餅的階段,它經歷了稱為渥堆發酵的程序。茶葉堆積到一定高度,然後被水弄濕,並用麻布覆蓋。這使得茶能夠保持特定的溫度 , 並創造潮濕的環境以加速發酵。茶在一定程度上發酵後,就會被蒸熟並通風。 熟茶的味道更加樸實醇厚,隨著熟茶的年份,它會變得更圓潤,泥土味變成甜梅味,熟茶釀造的顏色是深紅色或深褐色。


enlightened不同陳期年份普洱茶 https://www.f-tea.com.tw/product.asp?pds=1&pcat=35&pcat2=55

enlightened購買老普洱散茶 https://www.f-tea.com.tw/product.asp?pds=1&pcat=68&pcat2=78


There are mainly 2 types of Pu'er Tea in the market.  Raw (Sheng Pu'er) and Ripe (Shu Pu'er).  Which one should you buy depends solely on personal preference.

Raw (Sheng Pu'er)- is a pu'er that is made from non-fermented green tea leaves that were picked, quickly roasted, sun-dried and then steamed to be compressed into round disks called cakes. After which the cakes are stored and aged until the tea’s taste is properly transformed.

Since raw pu'er doesn’t go through the piling process, it retains a fresh scent as well as a little bit of a sweet aftertaste.  It is mellower, smoother and provides a more complex flavor the longer it ages.  The color of the brew is golden yellow to burnt orange, depending on the age of the tea.

Raw Pu'er can be consumed immediately to enjoy its fresh, floral flavors or they can be stored and aged like red/white wine.  

Ripe (Shu Pu'er)- is pu'er that is made from fermented tea leaves. It goes through the same steps as the raw pu'er. However, at the stage of producing the cakes it undergoes a procedure, called ‘wet piling’. The leaves get piled up to a certain height, then it gets wetted with water, and covered by a linen cloth. This allows the tea to stay warm and creates a humid environment to accelerate the fermentation. After the tea ferments to a certain degree, it gets unpiled and ventilated.

Ripe Pu'er  have an earthier and mellow taste. As it ages, it becomes smoother and the earthy flavor shifts into sweet plum flavor.  The color of the brew is deep red or dark brownish.

Ripe Pu'er preference is to consumed immediately; but can be stored as well.  However the taste will not alter as much as Raw pu'er during the storing process.